
Purpose and passion drive everything we do. Each action we take, each conversation we hold, each choice we do or do npurpose and passionot make is based off how we feel at a given time about a particular subject. Passion gives us excitement–the deeper we feel about a subject, the more we want to learn about it and the more animated we become over it. Purpose pushes us to give our absolute best efforts towards achieving a goal. These two values are essential to people living fullfilled lives; only when we are passionate and have purpose in everything we do will be able to give everything we have–mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally–to a positive end result.

As for me, my passion is the written word and my purpose is to reach others through that language. I am a self-confessed bibliophile: my medium through which I hope to reach others with the written word is a book. Barnes and Noble is my favorite store–the dark paneling of the bookshelves, the walls upon walls of shelves, and the sight of book-lovers sitting in the Starbucks cafe reading their latest purchases all bring a smile to face. I can imagine nothing more satisfying than seeing a book I contributed to–through writing or editing work–come off the presses for publication. Through language we have the opportunity to educate, heal, inspire, inform, and bring laughter to others. Whether I am the one creating the content or preening the text before publication, I aspire to reach others through the crispest language possible.

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