Release Day: The Sound of Emeralds by Rachelle Rea

Dearest reader friends,

Today is a beautiful day! It’s Friday–but better yet, it’s release day for The Sound of Emeralds, the third book in Rachelle Rea’s  Steadfast Love series. Congratulations, Rachelle!

In celebration of this gorgeous book (put this on your TBR list, friends), I’m hosting Rachelle here on A Way With Words for a short Q & A session.

Q & A with author and editor Rachelle Rea

AWWW: What’s the greatest lesson regarding writing and publishing that you’ve learned over your time spent working on The Steadfast Love series?

RR: I thought I had learned the lesson of grace that I have the privilege of portraying in my series, but I learned it anew in the whirlwind of editing and release dates. I made countless mistakes forgetting emails, missing typos, transposing links…yet I experienced so much grace in the form of readers saying my stories touched their hearts, excellent reviews, an amazing team behind me at WhiteFire and among my influencers. I realized anew this story of Dirk and Gwyn has never been about me, but about the God who gives such grace.

AWWW: What do you believe is the most significant lesson you’ll take away for future writing projects that you learned while writing The Steadfast Love series? (i.e. : always continue learning about the craft, the importance of time management, always listening to your editor, etc…)

RR: Always, always listen to the editor! WhiteFire’s editorial team is just magnificent. So insightful at every step of the way. So superb at catching when my timeline goes askew or I miss historical facts. Oh, the timeline! A practical thing I’ll remember is the importance of having a timeline written down somewhere so I can go back and reference it throughout the revision process. So helpful! Writers, make one. 😉

Doesn’t she have some great advice, friends?

Now, for those of you more interested in the story-side of The Steadfast Love series, I’ve got something fun for you. Fun fact: the love triangle in this series wasn’t always there. So to celebrate the culmination of this triangle in The Sound of Emeralds  Rachelle is having a contest–who do you want to see win Gwyn’s hand? The reformed rogue, Dirk, who has claimed her heart or the loyal friend who could be more, Anders?

As for me, while I love both men in Rachelle’s series, Anders happens to have won my heart. Check out the pictures Rachelle made for #TeamAnders


So readers, who is your man in The Steadfast Love series? Are you #TeamAnders or #TeamDirk?



2 thoughts on “Release Day: The Sound of Emeralds by Rachelle Rea

  1. How I love this, Marisa! Thank you for making my release day extra special by sharing this highlight. I hope you enjoy Emeralds!

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